
Medieval Manuscripts from the National Museum Library

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The National Museum Library (NML) digitised another three medieval manuscripts in 2018. The oldest of them is Glossa ordinaria (XVI A 3) from the second quarter of the 14th century, a part of a larger set that used to belong to Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem. The illuminated missal from the Prague diocese XVI A 12, also referred to as the Missal of the Priest Silvester, was made in the last third of the 14th century. The breviary XVI A 2 was written in the first third of the 15th century and probably came to the NML collections from the monastery of Augustinian Canons in Rokycany.


List of documents

Missale Pragensis dioecesisXVI A 12; Knihovna Národního muzea; Praha; Česko
BreviariumXVI A 2; Knihovna Národního muzea; Praha; Česko
Glossa ordinaria, parsXVI A 3; Knihovna Národního muzea; Praha; Česko